God Created All Things and Called It Good

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God Created All Things and Called It Good

Sorting through some of the papers I stashed away for later use in my craft room cubbies, I came across this essay. It is good to be reminded of the Good that is, even when the world seems to be reflecting less than good. Let us know personally and collectively that Good is and choose to claim it as our own.

– The manifest universe is the body of God; it is the logical and necessary outcome of the infinite self-knowingness of God.

– We believe in the eternal goodness, the eternal loving kindness and the eternal givingness of life to all.

selected from What We Believe – Declaration of Principles by Ernest Holmes

In the beginning

“In the beginning, God created all things.” The manifest universe is the logical out picturing of the thoughts (self-contemplation) of God. So, if it was good to begin with, what made it go so far off course?

Free will.

We (individual humans) have the ability to choose or use our divine gifts and powers to negative, harmful, or contractive purposes.

Why does God allow this? Because God is ultimate freedom and knows no restrictions or need for restrictions. God is already confident and secure in the Truth that all is Good. If I or anyone experiences less than my inherent goodness, I can know that this is not my ultimate reality.

Pre-destiny? Yes. The game of life is rigged to the fullest and greatest expression of growth and expansion. The Law of Growth is ever-present and ever active. Life is for living. There is a polarity going on in the expression of life: positive and negative electrical charges, giving and receiving, yet always One. One continuum cycling, spiraling ever expanding towards the greater good.

“Less than” storylines

If the game of life is rigged in my favor, why do I (and others) insist upon struggling and pushing myself (themselves and others) down a constrictive path? What’s up with my habitual storyline of “not good enough?”

As I age, I see more and more the ways I self sabotage, maybe you do too? It has gotten so old (pun intended), this doubt and disrespect I show to myself. I am good enough. In fact, I am a child of God, made in the image and likeness of the One. There is nothing else, separate from God, for me to be made from. God’s idea of me, my image, is so much more than I’ve ever allowed myself to believe and act as if it were so. Maybe this feels familiar for you too.


I choose, in this very moment, to begin to act and know that I am all that God has designed me to be. By Divine Design, I am all that and more. I am made in the image and likeness of the One. All that I need for the fullest expression of the Good idea of God that I am is available to me now. I choose to be that. I am THAT I am. When I find myself “in times of trouble,” I can choose to know LOVE, LIGHT, LIFE, PEACE, POWER, BEAUTY, and JOY.

I am that I am. I release doubts, fears, complaints, worry and any and every other form of constriction or contraction that I have ever or ever will falsely take on through my intellectual ego.

I open myself to the magnificence of Spirit that I am. Though I may not always consciously know what my Divine Design is, I do know that it must, in the beginning be: LOVE, LIGHT, LIFE, PEACE, POWER, BEAUTY, and JOY.

Anytime I witness examples of any of these God qualities, I can know that I see these because they exist in me. I accept. I receive. And, I give these forth in return, particularizing my life. In my crafts, in my love of family, in my service to others, in my very existence. There is no need for judgment. I am doing the best that I can and when I judge that I am not, I have the opportunity to wake up and choose again. There is no need to compare myself to others. Of course I am different. We are each individualized expressions of the One. There is no need for me to copy another. I am to be me, unique, wonderful, creative me.

And so it is.