Diving Deep

Season 3 of The Chosen

Bible study has never been more fun than it is when coupling Science of Mind teachings with watching the movie series, The Chosen! The holiday season, the celebration of Christmas especially, is a great time to get started.

Connecting to New Thought Understandings

Quoting from a recent message from Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith of Agape International Spiritual Center:

As many people begin to celebrate Christmas and place their attention on the birth of Jesus, we must always remember what this enlightened master teacher taught, and who he was and is. He is called the Great Way-Shower because he is an extraordinary example of the potential that lies within all of us. He did not set himself up as an exception, but as an example of activated potential. Thus, he is called Jesus the Christ, which refers to a state of consciousness, not his name.

So, what are the ramifications of knowing this?

One, we are to use Jesus’ teachings and practices to come into expanded consciousness as he demonstrated, and two, this Holy Day Season is not only about honoring the incarnation of this beloved being, but, most importantly, to wake up and assist others (via our raised vibration) in waking to their Christ nature so that the world may participate in the mass celebration of the Christ consciousness, our unity consciousness.

Whether we call it the awakened Buddha, enlightenment, Nirvana, or however each culture defines this unitive consciousness, we are working toward the day when a significant amount of the global community has shifted from the low-energetic field of separation, fear, hate, and the like, to the high-energetic field of Oneness, Love, and dynamic Peace.

Let us use this time of celebration as a kind of high-tide moment to truly practice an activated prayer, meditative, and generous way of life. And thus, become harbingers of great possibilities on this planet! And, “Merry Christmas” will have a more powerful meaning when we say it to one another.

Agape At A GLANCE December e-newsletter, 12/04/22

Consciousness Caravans Connections

This month, December, the creators of the movie series, The Chosen, will be releasing episodes of its third season on their streaming app once a week, each Sunday. A couple of friends and I went to the theaters to see the first and second episodes of season three on the big screen. It promises to be just as rich and binge worthy as the first two seasons were.

But before I go too far into season three, I wanted to let you know about our Movie Discussion Groups (MDG) where we start with season 1, episode 1 and progress through each episode, exploring the bible references and what they mean for our lives today. You’re invited to check out our Consciousness Caravans YouTube posting about the MDG or connect with Rev Sally to start your own MDG. The MDG dives deep into each episode, gets to know and imagine along with the creators of The Chosen the characters of the Bible stories in new and wonderful ways through our conversations that arise from these viewings. Both in person (in the San Francisco / Oakland – Bay Area) and virtual (via Zoom) meetings are possible.

With each viewing, we bring in the metaphysical, Science of Mind, teaching relative to these stories. Check out the slides below as an example. There is so much to talk about from the movies, bible references, and you are welcome to join our conversations at any time.

Blessed Be! We are consciously living Life as vehicles of Spirit. Join the caravan!

2 responses to “Diving Deep”

  1. I’m grateful to and for you, Rev. Sally, and I look forward to a bit of quiet time post-Christmas so that I might catch up with this series.

    • Thank you Rev Susan! You will not be disappointed by seasons 1 & 2, and season 3 is starting out to be just as good, if not better than, the first two. You are always welcome to join our MDGs.